I personally like Bisharp the best, though the fuzzy feathers on Ducklett are adorable as well. I wonder which set will be next? The folks over at the Center's just love surprises it seems.
I wish there were more entries on this site. It says something that I even looked at all the old posts! Thank you for creating this site!! It is the site I rely on for merch release news, and the articles are written with great flow and are very interesting. I read every post just because the writing is so addictive x_x. Please continue to update this site!
I wish there were more entries on this site. It says something that I even looked at all the old posts! Thank you for creating this site!! It is the site I rely on for merch release news, and the articles are written with great flow and are very interesting. I read every post just because the writing is so addictive x_x. Please continue to update this site!