The Negative
- Bugs. They have plagued the site even before the launch. Broken links, out of place HTML, pages that show products that weren't for sale or were sold out, etc.
- Sloppyness. Pages that were suppose to remain hidden were easily accessible, obvious copy and pasting from other websites (This page has rules from Amazon), and stealing a banner image from a collector on Google Images (which was later replaced).
- Limited stock. Of course they will be adding more over time, but for now the stock is rather lackluster.
Positive and Negative
- Shipping. Why is this under good and bad? On one hand it costs $5.98 + tax to ship one charm (or as they call it "mini") that weighs under an ounce. On the flip side, it costs the exact same to ship a 1:1/Trainer Size Froakie plush that weighs over 1 pound. So depending on what you buy, this is either a good or bad thing.
The Positive
- The original artwork and exclusive store products. That artwork is fantastic! I'm also a huge fan of the exclusive products. I knew from the second I saw that binder that I'd be buying it. I'm a big fan of the pin as well.
- Clothing. While I find the crew neck shirt designs rather generic, I am very excited about the upcoming Mewtwo jacket and potentially other original clothing designs as well. The women's Pikachu clothing line is also looking very promising.
- Drinkware. Importing drinkware from Japan is usually a pricey affair. Not having to pay high shipping and then potentially getting a broken mug is a very nice thing.
- This store exists. The fact that this store was brought back again is amazing in and of itself.
Overall, I can't say that I was super impressed with the launch, but this is a step in the right direction. When new items are added to the store I will make a post here. Hope everyone is enjoying the launch!