November 30, 2017

The merch roundup!
Tomy has revealed their upcoming merch for December and the start of next year! They have everything from figures and Z-Crystals to a lifesize scale plush of Alolan Vulpix.

January 27th releases:

Ditto/Dittochu figure set - 864 yen
Garchomp figure - 864 yen
Mimikium Z and Kommonium Z set - 538 yen
Quick Ball - 486 yen
Luxury Ball - 486 yen

December 28th releases:

Nihilego figure - 864 yen
Crabrawler figure - 486 yen
Tapu Bulu figure - 864 yen
GET Vol. 14 (singles) - 324 yen each
GET Vol. 14 (8 figure box) - 2,592 yen
05 Z-Crystal set - 1,078
04 Z-Crystal set - 1,078

December 9th releases:

1/1 size Alolan Vulpix plush - 5,184 yen