4th Gen Can Badges By Silver December 22, 2017 0 comments abomasnow, bastiodon, bronzong, buneary, can badges, chimchar, cranidos, drapion, floatzel, garchomp, hippowdon, infernape, lucario, luxray, mismagius, piplup, pokemon center, roserade, turtwig, weavile Time for some Sinnoh love! The Pokemon Center has announced 4th gen themed can badges! Each badge comes blind bag and will cost 300 yen. They will be released on January 20th, 2018. Tagged abomasnow bastiodon bronzong buneary can badges chimchar cranidos drapion floatzel garchomp hippowdon infernape lucario luxray mismagius piplup pokemon center roserade turtwig weavile Related PostsNew Bandai Model Collection FiguresBandai SHODO Set Vol. 3Ditto Transform! Volume 10