December 15, 2017

One adorable new promo!
A cute new promo all about Pokemon tails and paws has been announced by the Pokemon Center! Everything will be released on December 16th, 2017.

Mascot plush tails - 700 yen each
Mugs - 1,400 yen each
A4 clear file - 240 yen
Universal smartphone cover - 3,000 yen each
Cushion Eevee tail - 2,500 yen
Cushion Pikachu tail - 2,500 yen
Tote bag - 2,000 yen
Table clock - 3,000 yen
Paw mascot plushies - 600 yen each
Bewear oven mitt - 1,500 yen
Bewear iPhone 8/7/6s/6 - 1,880 yen
Large Mimikyu mascot plush tail - 1,000 yen

Not pictured -
Pikachu tail body pillow - 7,871 yen
Paw mugs - 1,400 yen each
Fuzzy socks - 850 yen each