Eraser Set: Let's GO to Johto! By Silver May 03, 2018 0 comments corsola, cyndaquill, erasers, figures, gachapon, hoppip, larvitar, pichu, pikachu, re-ment, skiploom, slowpoke, totodile, wooper 2nd gen eraser set! Re-Ment has announced another Pokemon eraser set! This one is Johto themed. The set will be released in July 2018. A box of 8 erasers will cost 4,000 yen. Tagged corsola cyndaquill erasers figures gachapon hoppip larvitar pichu pikachu re-ment skiploom slowpoke totodile wooper Related PostsTyphlosion & Pichu PlushiesOteire Please! PromoSanei Mascot & Tissue Box Plushies