Pokemon Fit Plushies By Silver July 10, 2018 0 comments alakazam, arcanine, articuno, ditto, dragonite, exeggutor, farfetch'd, golduck, jigglypuff, kangaskhan, machamp, mew, moltres, omanyte, plushies, pokemon center, pokemon fit, rattata, staryu, zapdos Everyone is here! The Pokemon Center has announced a new plush series called "Pokemon Fit"! They are small plushies meant to fit in your hand. This first wave is made up of entirely of Gen 1 Pokemon. A second wave will be released in November and will include the rest of Gen 1. The plushies will be released on July 13th, 2018. They will cost 1,100 yen each. Tagged alakazam arcanine articuno ditto dragonite exeggutor farfetch'd golduck jigglypuff kangaskhan machamp mew moltres omanyte plushies pokemon center pokemon fit rattata staryu zapdos