20th Anniversary Starter Plushies By Silver August 29, 2018 0 comments bulbasaur, charmander, chikorita, chimchar, cyndaquil, Fennekin, froakie, litten, mew, mudkip, oshawott, piplup, popplio, rowlet, snivy, squirtle, tepig, torchic, totodile, treecko Everyone is here! The Pokemon Center has released plushies of all the starters in celebration of the Pokemon Center 20th anniversary! Chikorita, Cyndaquil, Totodile, Piplup, Litten, Rowlet, and Popplip are just re-releases of the original plushies. The rest all have updated patterns. They cost 1,620 yen each. Tagged bulbasaur charmander chikorita chimchar cyndaquil Fennekin froakie litten mew mudkip oshawott piplup popplio rowlet snivy squirtle tepig torchic totodile treecko Related PostsRed & Charmander ARTFX J FigurePokemon Frosty ChristmasFunko Pop! Charmander