Pokemon Fit Part 2 By Silver November 16, 2018 0 comments aerodactyl, arcanine, cloyster, fearow, gyarados, hitmonchan, kabutops, kingler, metapod, mr. mime, muk, nidoking, nidoqueen, omastar, plushies, pokemon center, pokemon fit, seadra, slowbro, tangela The gang's all here! The rest of the 121 Kanto Pokemon have been released in plush form! They join the previously released 30 Pokemon fit plushies to complete the Pokedex. They cost 1,100 yen each. The release date is November 16th, 2018. Tagged aerodactyl arcanine cloyster fearow gyarados hitmonchan kabutops kingler metapod mr. mime muk nidoking nidoqueen omastar plushies pokemon center pokemon fit seadra slowbro tangela Related PostsSword & Shield Plushies Wave 7Pokemon Fit 2nd GenPokedolls & Accessories