Pokemon Vignette Series 2 By Silver October 09, 2019 0 comments chikorita, cyndaquil, feraligatr, figures, meganium, tomy, totodile, typhlosion, vignette Tomy featuring the best starters! Tomy is releasing a second series of their vignette figures! This time featuring the Johto starters. A box of 10 will cost 5,000 yen. They will be released in late November 2019. Figure Lineup: Feraligatr + base Typhlosion + base Meganium + base Cyndaquil, Totodile, Chikorita + effect parts Tagged chikorita cyndaquil feraligatr figures meganium tomy totodile typhlosion vignette Related Posts20th Anniversary Starter Plushies20th Anniversary Snow GlobeBlind Bag Petit Plushies